A dog named Eva heroically saved her owner’s life during a cougar attack

Erin Wilson and her 2-year-old dog Eva took a little walk in the midday sun before the terrible thing happened.

Suddenly, the girl heard a strange sound. A moment later, the cougar was clawing at her shoulder, preparing for a new attack. Erin screamed for Eve. The dog, without hesitating for a second, rushed at the cougar with all her strength.

Unfortunately, a wild cat bit the dog on the head. However, Erin wasn’t going to give up her dog so easily. The girl began to beat the mountain lion with a pipe that she found. She was screaming for him to get away from her dog. And in the end he just let go of the dog and ran away.

The woman wasted no time delivering her pet to the emergency room at the veterinary hospital, ignoring her own injuries. As Erin’s husband later shared, the dog was very badly hurt.

However, thanks to the combined work of veterinarians and owners, she gained strength to continue living. And a few days later she was discharged home.

To cover medical expenses, Erin started a page on a social network. And soon she was amazed by the love and support of the public for her heroic dog. All funds were collected very soon.

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