A Persian kitten was brought in to be put to sleep. Reason — crooked front legs

This fluffy little cat was brought in for putting to sleep by its owner-breeders. The reason for putting him to sleep was his crooked front paws. They found it too difficult to perform an exam and determine the cause of the illness.

Fortunately, the clinic and shelter that the baby came to did not perform a procedure to put him to sleep. For the time of the examination, the baby was found a temporary home. The goal was to find someone who could not only take in the kitten, but also take care of him. It was necessary to take the kitten to clinics and provide him with medical care.

Such a person could only be found in a neighboring region. We started looking for transportation to get the animal there. Before the move, the tiny cat was with another volunteer girl. She was the one who was going to take care of transporting the animal. The cat was treated for his eyes and ears. His hair was cut and the parasites were removed. It turned out that the tiny cat was attacked by a whole pack of large parasites.

The baby was given the nickname Pawsy. He turned out to be a sweet, sociable and attentive little boy. The baby quickly began to go to the litter box, he ate with appetite. There were no problems with paws, at least in appearance. The kitten moved around the apartment quickly. The problem was that the cat could not wash himself. The temporary owner helped him with the washing.

A day later, the kitten was already in another holding facility. He was taken to the clinic for a consultation. It turned out that the Persian kitten was missing a radial bone. Such animals are also called kangaroo cats.

The cat turned out to be deaf. In addition, he was found to be significantly underweight. The doctor said that the problems with the feet appeared as a result of improper crossbreeding. The doctor prescribed injections, vitamins and special nutrition. As for the paws, he was told that it was a peculiarity that the baby would have to adapt to.

It’s been three months. The kitty gained weight and began to look for owners. There were a lot of people who wanted to take this cute cat. Therefore, the curator had a strict selection of applicants. As a result, she chose a volunteer from one of the shelters. Their cat had recently passed away, so people decided to get a new pet. The kitten now lives with the family.

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