Dogs from the shelter snuggle up to each other:they are waiting for their family

Recently, a photo of two dogs curled up together in their beds went viral after it was posted on Facebook. These two are called Agatha and Jukebox. They live at the Pima Animal Care Center in Tucson, Arizona.

Both dogs entered the shelter separately: Agatha was abandoned by the owners, and  Jukebox turned out to be a stray dog. However, they quickly became friends when they met at the shelter.

«Usually, when a couple of dogs who already know each other come to the shelter, they spend their whole lives together,» Kristen Hassen-Auerbach, director of animal services, told The Dodo. «But with these two, it’s a completely different story. They didn’t know each other. One day they met at the orphanage and from the moment they saw each other, they became inseparable.»

The two dogs found solace in each other’s company, and their bond became very strong. When it was difficult for them to get used to life in the shelter, their growing friendship quickly dispelled any anxiety and depression. For this reason, it will be good for them to be adopted and live together.

The staff of the shelter hopes that the attention on social networks will help Agatha and Jukebox to find a home forever and live together. Meanwhile, Agatha and Jukebox are doing everything to make potential adoptive parents walking around their kennels fall in love with them.

«We’re just looking for a home that will value them as much as we do,» Hassen-Auerbach said. «They are like a dog TV for us. When one of us has a hard day or when we feel depressed, we just look at Agatha and Jukebox and feel happier.»

Agatha and Jukebox can be adopted together or separately. However, we hope that they will find a happy home together. If you are interested in adopting them and live in Pima County, we recommend that you visit the shelter.

This story proves that the love of a lifetime can be found in the most unexpected places. Share this story and don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments.

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