He lay motionless in the pouring rain beside the highway, desperately waiting for help

As I drove, I saw the dog lying there! However, I felt that he was still in trouble. I went back. When I returned, he was just lying on the side of the road in a watery puddle in the rain.

He lay there and seemed to have given up, as if to say, «I can’t take it anymore!»

«I could see he was in pain.»
I asked him, «Is there anything we can do?» Never give up, now! Here I am! I’ll help you if you don’t bite me (for discomfort), okay?» — Fahrudin said.

Fahrudin took him to the vet. The dog was x-rayed to see what was damaged! Internal blood loss and injuries are the main problems.

The vet was concerned about a very internal injury, i.e., bleeding in the dog.

«Here cars drive at high speeds, and the dog just wanted to cross the road. He got a name Maddox and he has a chance to be operated. I am trying my best for him to save his life. After further consultations with experts the spine surgery will be done outside at the big Clinic.
The dog is on his way to the most important battle of his life.»

He was immediately taken to the operating room and prep room. Maddox underwent surgical treatment! He is currently asleep after waking up. He is napping and relaxing.

The first post-op test will be done within the next two or 3 days to determine if he is experiencing «deep discomfort»!

Because of severe spinal cord damage, Maddox may (very likely) never walk again. However, his life goes on! We will make sure he has a wheelchair.

Sixteen days after surgery, Maddox is holding his balance on his feet. But that was all for the moment.

However, miracles can happen!
The vet is optimistic, he will definitely walk, as he is a big fighter.

Ձեզ հետաքրքրե՞ց մեր հոդվածը, կիսվեք ընկերների հետ։