Homeless terriers saved a homeless man’s life, and he left by bus, after which they ran with all their might

The man usually looked for scrap metal in the evenings to hand it over after. Such was his earnings. When he went to his «job», he left his dogs to guard what he could already get. And they faithfully guarded the good for a piece of bread.

After the frosts began, the walls in the garage began to be covered with ice. Sometimes a man would make a bonfire right inside the garage. And when the fire went out, the dogs immediately lay down next to the homeless man and tried to warm him up.

Once again, after drinking a decent amount of alcohol, he forgot to put out the fire and went to bed. The dogs woke up their negligent owner, thereby saving his life. But he just immediately began to run away and jumped into the first bus, which Senya and his mother chased until they ran out of strength. But the owner was not up to them, because in addition to the garage, the car standing in the next garage burned down.

A day later, the dogs returned to the garage alone and continued to wait for the homeless man. This angered the neighbors.

When the locals realized that the homeless man would not return, they began to climb into the garage at night to steal the metal that the dogs had inherited from their former owner. However, the brave dogs tried in every possible way not to let the uninvited guests take possession of the metal.

For this they suffered. First of all, Sena got so badly that he barely crawled to the entrance, where a woman lived, feeding the dogs that were orphaned.

By profession, the elderly woman was a medic and seeing Senya’s condition, she immediately took him to a veterinary clinic. However, instead of helping, the «doctors» almost completely ruined the dog. Senya has only one ear left, and he has become completely deaf.

Realizing that the baby needs to be saved, we sent him to be treated where the best veterinarians are. They were able to save not only Sena’s life, but also to make a small ear.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about the doggie’s mom.

When we arrived at the place, we gasped.

It was very difficult to look at this picture. A little dog with sad eyes was sitting among a mountain of junk, and the walls around her were covered with soot.

There was a dirty mattress on the floor where a homeless man used to sleep. The dog immediately went to meet us. The dog realized that we had come to save her, not to mock her.

Two days later, the dog met her son. Now they are together and a curator takes care of them.

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