In Argentina, a labrador sat at the entrance to the hospital all week waiting for the owner

A Labrador named Toto did not know that his beloved owner was no more. He continued to wait for him in front of the doors of the hospital located in the Argentine city of San Salvador de Jujuy. The dog stayed at his post for 7 days. And the relatives of the owner were indifferent to the fate of the pet, who had been a devoted friend of their loved one for 6 years.

В Аргентине лабрадор всю неделю сидел у входа в больницу в ожидании хозяина

The hospital staff felt sorry for the dog. They laid a piece of cardboard next to the entrance and put a box so that Toto could sleep in it.

Photos with the unfortunate animal were posted on social networks by people who visited their relatives in the hospital. That’s how people from one animal protection center found out about Toto. The staff took the dog to the shelter. After the relatives of the former owner still did not show up, it was decided to look for a new home for the dog.

В Аргентине лабрадор всю неделю сидел у входа в больницу в ожидании хозяина

In the post they wrote that the dog needs to find housing located away from the hospital so that he could not come here again. And at first the owner will have to take the Labrador for a walk on a leash and make sure that he does not run away.

В Аргентине лабрадор всю неделю сидел у входа в больницу в ожидании хозяина

This breed is distinguished by a special devotion to its owners. Therefore, they are especially hard to bear separation from a loved one.

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