Labrador daddy teaches his puppies to swim

Apparently, not only children, but also young animals learn tricks from their parents.

While most animals teach their cubs to survive in the wild, the father of these dogs decided to teach his offspring a more humane cause: swimming.

Labrador Dad Teaches His Puppies How To Swim

In a truly touching scene, a golden Labrador leads his puppies to a small lake to teach them how to swim.

As soon as the happy group of puppies reaches the pond, Dad goes straight into the water. But his puppies look a little scared. And only one of them follows his dad.

Гордый папа-лабрадор учит своих щенков плавать: у него есть бесконечное терпение, чтобы заставить этих малышей плавать осторожно

Dogs are actually natural swimmers. And almost all of them like to spend time in the water (in this particular case — in the pond).

So these adorable puppies are no different. Anyway, after a little swimming, they went to explore the coastline a little. And while the proud dad leads them forward, his tiny children follow them.

Гордый папа-лабрадор учит своих щенков плавать: у него есть бесконечное терпение, чтобы заставить этих малышей плавать осторожно

Since it was a sunny day, the puppies did not play on land for too long. Therefore, they ventured into the water again to refresh themselves and master a completely new activity, which, it seems to me, will soon become their favorite!

Watch this Yellow Lab take all of his puppies to the pond and show them how to swim. This video doesn’t have any music or talking… just the sounds of the puppies having fun.

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