The boy met a dog who has the same disease as him

Our story today is about a special boy who has the skin disease Vitiligo. From these pictures you can see what a cute eight-year-old boy looks like. His mother always said that he does not perceive his appearance and considers himself scary.

«He says every day that he is not like others and considers himself scary and strange. I told him to accept his appearance, because he is unique.However, after he met his new friend, his opinion about his appearance changed categorically.»

When mom saw this black Labrador, who has the same disease as her son, she realized that they needed to meet. After meeting Roadie, the boy accepts his appearance and realizes that he is unique.

Carter loves and accepts himself for who he is.
After all, he met the same friend, with the same uniqueness as him. It seems to me that they are both very cute and wonderful and no disease spoils their appearance!

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