The little sloth was supposed to die in the rocks at high tide

But this time he was lucky. A baby sloth got stuck in rocks on the coast at low tide. He couldn’t get out on his own and the approaching tide was going to flood this place very soon.

Маленький ленивец должен был погибнуть в камнях во время прилива

Fortunately, the baby was noticed by a local resident Dirk Morgan. Not finding any adult sloths nearby, he freed the baby and took it with him. At home, Dirk washed the sloth’s fur from sea water and cleaned his eyes from sand.

Маленький ленивец должен был погибнуть в камнях во время прилива

And then took him to a local wildlife rescue center. Now the life of a «potential drowned animal » is in the hands of experienced specialists and everything will be fine for him.

Маленький ленивец должен был погибнуть в камнях во время прилива

Ձեզ հետաքրքրե՞ց մեր հոդվածը, կիսվեք ընկերների հետ։