The woman decided to cure the cat and accidentally painted it yellow.

A resident of Thailand decided to cure her cat with turmeric and accidentally painted it yellow.

Женщина решила вылечить кота и случайно покрасила его в желтый цвет.

Tamara Supamas noticed a fungus on her cat’s skin. She tried to cure him with folk remedies. She read on the Internet that turmeric relieves inflammation and helps get rid of the fungus. Then the woman applied spices to the painful paw of her pet.

Женщина решила вылечить кота и случайно покрасила его в желтый цвет.

Then Supamas decided to sprinkle turmeric all over the cat to prevent the spread of a fungal infection. However, when washing off the turmeric, it turned out that the wool was not erased and the cat remained yellow.

Supamas shared photos of the repainted animal on her Facebook page. Many people compare the cat with the famous Pokemon Pikachu.

Женщина решила вылечить кота и случайно покрасила его в желтый цвет.

Later, the owner of the animal reported that turmeric really helps to cure the fungus, but the wool does not wash off.

Ձեզ հետաքրքրե՞ց մեր հոդվածը, կիսվեք ընկերների հետ։