Video of the day: raccoon mom touched subscribers by rescuing a baby stuck on the wall, who was afraid to descend from a steep wall

The touching scene was captured by a wildlife specialist.
YouTube users were delighted with the video shot in the Canadian province of Ontario, which captures the rescue of a baby raccoon stuck on a steep wall.

Видео дня: мама-енот растрогала подписчиков спасением застрявшего на стене малыша, который боялся спускаться с отвесной стены

According to the description of the video, a wildlife specialist witnessed the dramatic descent. The rescuer did not interfere. He decided to just film what was happening on his phone.

The footage shows how the mother helped the inexperienced cub down the steep wall, despite the protests of the latter.

And already at the bottom, the baby received a slap from his mother for disobedience. That’s how parenting is!
Watch the video!

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