A kind-hearted woman adopted a child that no one wanted to adopt: see how it looks now
Nicky had a great family, a loving husband and a wonderful daughter from her first marriage.
But the woman did not give up the thought that had firmly settled in her head since childhood. Nicky dreamed of adopting a child and giving him a real family, love and care.
Nicky’s husband supported her and they both came to the conclusion that they would take the child from the orphanage. They reviewed many profiles, but decided on a child who had no chance of being adopted.
Rustam was born with a variety of deformities. And when his mother saw such a son, she abandoned him. She herself was to blame for this, because throughout the entire pregnancy she led an unhealthy lifestyle.
The child had congenital facial features, could not eat on his own, and therefore was fed through a tube. In addition, Rustam did not speak at all and lagged behind in development.
A child was born with one leg. Doctors did everything to restore the boy’s face.
Nicky admitted that he was not afraid when he first saw the boy. She immediately began to think about how she and her husband could help him.
“For a second the thought flashed through my head: ‘What have we done?’ and then I began to think practically again, after all, there was so much to do…” Nicky said.
Exactly a year has passed since the adoption. The parents taught their son to walk first with crutches and then with a prosthesis. The child works hard with a speech therapist and now others can understand his speech.
Nicky says that at first the people around him and the children were suspicious of Rustam and laughed at him. They were afraid to play with him on the same playground and rejected the unusual child.
At some point, Nicky decided to create an Instagram account and tell the world about her son.
She began to upload her photos and share interesting moments of her life.
Rustam’s page quickly became popular. The media became interested in the boy’s story, and Nicky and his son began to appear as guests on various TV shows.
Nicky teaches his son not to be ashamed of his appearance and tries to explain to him that the most important thing in a person is the soul.
Rustam still has a lot ahead of him, but his loving family will always be there for him and will always support him.
“He is our happiness,” Nicky says about her beloved son.