A man saved two foxes, and now they are in love with him

Patsy Gibbons once saved two cubs and they have been inseparable ever since…

When Gibbons discovered the two cubs, they were still quite babies. He took them out and gave them the names Grane and Minnie. And when they grew up, they did not want to leave their foster dad and did not run away to the forest, but stayed to live with him.

Мужчина спас двух лис, и теперь они влюблены в него (Фото)

Everyone in the neighborhood knows about this unusual family and they are simply delighted with such love and devotion.

Мужчина спас двух лис, и теперь они влюблены в него (Фото)

In an interview, Gibbons said that he is approached for advice on caring for foxes from all over the world. And he is happy to share his advice. Patsy also noticed that he didn’t know everything either. And every day spent with his pets brings him new knowledge.

Мужчина спас двух лис, и теперь они влюблены в него (Фото)

Мужчина спас двух лис, и теперь они влюблены в него (Фото)

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