A small marine inhabitant insists on being friends with everyone on the beach: photo of a sociable seal

Маленький морской обитатель настаивает на том, чтобы дружить со всеми на пляже: фото общительного тюленя

Will Bowman decided to visit Weymouth Beach in Dorset, UK. He intended to find Sammy, a loving seal, settled in this place. Seal insists on making friends with everyone who visits the area. She is very moody and playful.

Маленький морской обитатель настаивает на том, чтобы дружить со всеми на пляже: фото общительного тюленя

Sammy first appeared on this beach when she was over forty. A young and very active seal found this place suitable to fish and enjoy the sand and sun.

When the restrictions were lifted and people were able to return to visit the beach, Sammy didn’t seem upset by the number of visitors. On the contrary, she was very interested in making friends with everyone.

Маленький морской обитатель настаивает на том, чтобы дружить со всеми на пляже: фото общительного тюленя

Gentle seal insists on being friends with everyone on the beach

Sammy has a habit of appearing unexpectedly among people. She tries to climb on a surfboard, kayak or on people’s backs while swimming. She seems to like cameras.

Маленький морской обитатель настаивает на том, чтобы дружить со всеми на пляже: фото общительного тюленя

Will decided to arrange a photo shoot for
Sammy. Cute seal enjoyed the whole session. She was playing hide and seek with Will. The pictures turned out great.

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