A woman was surprised to find a sleeping fox in her cat’s bed

The owner of the cat was very surprised when she woke up in the middle of the night and found that the fox was sleeping comfortably in her cat’s bed.
It was 4 o’clock in the morning when the ginger cat George asked his owner, Melanie, to let him out.
A woman opened the kitchen window so that her beloved cat George could take a walk in the garden. Then she fell asleep again.

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However, when the cat returned home, an uninvited guest was sleeping in his bed. And he refused to leave.
Melanie heard a noise. So she went downstairs to sort it out.

“When I came down the stairs and went from the kitchen to the bathroom, I noticed a pair of huge ears in the kitchen window,” Melanie said. “I thought:”Hmm, these are not cat ears,” and turned on the light to look at what was in the cat bed. And it was a fox. ”

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Surprisingly, the unwanted guest not only refused to leave, but also behaved as if she had lived here forever. The human presence did not bother her at all.
“She was very tame. She didn’t want to leave,” recalls the 47-year-old woman.

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“The fox behaved like another family member who had lived here for many years. And she was confused as to why there was such a fuss. ”

In the end, Melanie kicked the uninvited visitor out of the window. And George was able to return to his comfortable bed.

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