Drama of life: a bear saves cubs from an angry male

In the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, the photographer witnessed a real drama – a bear tried to protect her cubs from attack.

Драма жизни: медведица спасет детенышей от разъяренного самца

36-year-old Denis Budkov filmed the moment when an aggressive male moved towards a female bear, who, along with three cubs, calmly hunted fish in the river.

Драма жизни: медведица спасет детенышей от разъяренного самца

The bear rushed at the male, covering her babies. The cubs looked scared at the fight of adult bears.

Драма жизни: медведица спасет детенышей от разъяренного самца

Fortunately, the fight lasted only a few minutes.

Драма жизни: медведица спасет детенышей от разъяренного самца

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