Elderly dog can’t stop crying when owner finally comes home

It was an emotional reunion for Army private Hannah Foraker and her elderly dog Buddy.

Foraker, 21, left her Ohio home on Sept. 9 to begin basic training at Fort Sill in Oklahoma.

“I’ve never been away from home before, so this was very important to me,” Foraker, who currently works as a biomedical equipment specialist at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, said in an e-mail.

She worked for several months. Fortunately, the girl was able to come home for a short time during Christmas. Her elderly dog was very sad without her. The dog missed her very much.

“Buddy was so overwhelmed that she just collapsed in pure happiness,” Foraker said. “We were apart for (more than three) months, so the reunion was such a beautiful experience.”

The joyous reunion was made all the more enjoyable by the fact that the two spent most of their time together as children.

They hiked together, swam and frolicked at the beach, walked and rode in the car just for fun.

When they finally came back together, both Foraker and Buddy could barely contain their excitement.

“She just wanted me to hug her and confirm that I was really there for her,” the soldier said .

Buddy is hard of hearing and suffers from arthritis. Both conditions have developed over the past year.

Foraker hopes these ailments won’t affect her chances of seeing Buddy when she returns home in November.

Observe her reaction when they meet after a long separation. That dog couldn’t hide the tears of joy. A dog may be a small part of your life, but to a dog you are a whole life. What a beautiful and amazing video!

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