Dozens of people wrote to me about this dog. Each of those who wrote asked for help, to show him to a doctor, to take him off the street. All of them were very worried about the dog, but no one wanted to take care of him.
The dog was far away. To get to him it took more than two hours in the car, and he had to go right away. As practice shows, after such a period of time it is almost impossible to find a dog in the same place where it was seen before.
In spring, dogs often develop various diseases. They begin to be overrun by ticks. An animal was seen near the road, which also increased the risks. None of the people who wrote did not go over to check if the dog was sleeping on the side of the road or if it was just no longer able to get up. Everyone just took a picture and drove on.
I went in search of the dog. It took us two days to catch it.
Later we found out that the dog had been walking on its own for a long time. Several times it was returned to its owners. But they never took any measures to keep it at home. Therefore, the animal was returned to the street again. No one cared that the dog might have been run over by a car or trapped. That said, the dog is young, about a year old, and very handsome.
So far we have sent the dog for examination, and after we get the results of the tests we will treat him against ticks.
We informed the police that we found the dog. The dog does not have a mark or a chip. That means that if the owners want him back, they will have to prove that he is their dog.
We have had the dog for more than a day. During that time we gave him a new nickname – Day. No one ever asked about him. Most likely, the owners do not need him and they will not claim him.
The dog will visit the vet one more time and then go to a holding facility. We don’t know what to do with him yet. We are still waiting for the owners to show up. If they do not make themselves known, we will look for a new home for the boy. Day is quick-witted and has a good contact with other animals, but we know nothing else about him. We want to believe that now his life will change for the better.