For several years the doggie has been walking on the road. He is waiting for his owners, and they are still not coming back

For several years, the dog comes to the road and waits for his owners to come back for him. People don’t come back and the dog has only himself to blame.

The owners had planned to go to the sea that day. The trip was not a long one and the dog had to go with them. They let the dog out of the car at the airport so he could go to the toilet.

Jack spotted a bird in the grass. The dog could not control his instincts and rushed after it, running farther and farther away from his owners. He heard his owner calling him and ran to his voice, but did not have time, the plane flew away before him.

Jack wandered around the airport for a long time, hoping that sooner or later he would find his owners, but that meeting never happened. The dog was soon picked up by another family who took the dog into their home and named him Charlie.

The new owners loved the dog; he played with the children and went hunting with the head of the family. Charlie had a sturdy kennel in the yard and was well taken care of. He was well taken care of but could not forget the people he had lived with. From time to time the dog runs away and goes to the road, hoping that he still has a chance to meet his family.

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