Drew, a 17-year-old rescuer from Alley Cat Rescue in Los Angeles, took a call about several no-man’s cats that needed to be spayed and neutered because their kittens show up on the streets every year.
While he was setting traps around the neighborhood, he spotted three kittens among the adult population.
“I saw a gray kitten girl – she rolled over and let me take her in my arms. The other two were more difficult,” Drew says.
After chasing them for a while, Drew managed to grab the remaining two kittens and reunite them with their sister.
That day he brought three babies and 10 adult cats (including the kittens’ mother) to Alley Cat Rescue where they could get full care and supervision.
They thought they had taken all the little ones, but the next morning Drew got a call from the caretaker who found another litter hidden by a feral cat.
“The second brood was a complete surprise. Caretaker Caesar said he heard kittens crying and went to the sound,” Drew says.
The five kittens were tucked under an old closet outside. When Caesar uncovered them, they mewed loudly, as if they were done hiding and ready to be fed and petted.
Drew rushed out to get them. After eating a few bowls of food, the kittens headed back to Alley Cat Rescue.
With the help of Drew and his team, all the babies were picked up and the adult fluffies were neutered and spayed. Caesar continues to take care of no one’s cats every day and is fostering several in his home.
Both litter of kittens ended up in rehousing, where they are enjoying the VIP conditions of home life.
The kittens are thriving in their new environment with plenty of food, lots of toys and cuddles from all sides.
“They’ve been vaccinated and medicated for parasites. They are all healthy and cute,” says Denise Hilton of Alley Cat Rescue.
The three older kittens became happy, playful and very fluffy cats.
“I’ve been working to reduce the feral cat population for two years now. When I see sick and dying kittens on the streets or in shelters, I realize this wouldn’t have happened if their mother cat had been spayed,” Drew says.
“That’s why I volunteer, not only to prevent doomed kittens from being born, but also to provide adult cats with the best life possible.”
Drew went after three kittens and ended up giving five more a chance at a better life.
Knowing that these kittens will now have loving families ahead of them and not just street survival is what gets Drew and many other rescuers up in the morning and continue to help the animals.