He recognized his “beloved” from a photo years later: A man burst into tears when he found his dog

A touching video was posted on the social networks: a man tearfully hugging his dog Zhulya, who was found after two and a half years. After he disappeared, the man got a job at a shelter for homeless animals. He had almost lost hope when he suddenly came across a photo of his pet in an ad for another shelter. Those involved in the story call it a miracle: if it weren’t for a series of accidents, the man would never have gotten his beloved dog back

In March 2021, employees of the public organization “Homeless Dog” found a dog at the racetrack – a cross between an Alabai and a sheepdog. They took it to the shelter, where there were 520 other dogs and several cats.

The Homeless Dog organization was created by volunteers to eliminate dishonest contractors who mistreated animals. In 2017, they created the organization to capture and spay dogs for a municipal tender. However, not all homeless dogs are returned to the streets – there are complex fractures or cancer. And sometimes there are animal killers in the area where the dog was found.

That’s what happened to Zhulya: he was diagnosed with venereal sarcoma, a malignant tumor. Chemotherapy was required. They began to treat her and soon learned that all the dogs in the area had been shot. It turns out that Zhulya survived by a miracle.

“To let it back out was to send it to certain death. So we left this melancholy creature with us. It ate well, but did not move much: apparently, it was bored. It gained weight, so we called it Bun.

The visitors liked the plump dog, but no one rushed to take it in: the dog is an adult – about ten years old. It’s very rare for a dog like that to be removed from a shelter. Usually they live there until they die.

To interest potential owners, the shelter invites volunteer photographers. In 2022 they arranged a large-scale photo shoot for the animals. The staff came up with a vivid description for each animal. For example, they said about Bun that he is a “sedate contemplator of beauty who loves a slow-moving existence.

Bun for a long time nobody was interested. And then in February of 2023, Alexander called the shelter. He began to ask the manager about a mestiza sheepdog and Alabai with a light spot on the nose and a chipping on the upper right canine.

Description of the animal and approximate time of disappearance coincided. But the place where the dog was lost was quite far from the racetrack where it was found. Nevertheless, the man was sure that his dog named Zhulya was hiding under the pseudonym Bun.

Alexander arrived the very next day. Bun was released from the enclosure – and it immediately went to meet him. The man knelt down, pressed his face to the redhead’s face and cried. Normally distrustful and melancholic, Bun- Zhulya clung to the owner and licked his face, wet with tears.

The touching moment was recorded on video.

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