How a video call two years after the disappearance helped the dog

One day a dog named Bosco went for a walk without his owner and got lost. He was looking for his way home, but he never found it.

For two years, the dog lived near a diner in Rhode Island, rummaging through food waste. There he was found by the staff of the local shelter. They found out that the dog’s owner’s name is Bill Ballato. And during this time he moved 3,000 km to the state of Colorado. The staff of the shelter organized a video call. The dog recognized the owner and both were happy.

But, the owner could not come for the dog. He was an invalid. Shelter volunteer Sheila Graham created a fundraiser for the trip on the GoFundMe platform. Many responded. When the money was collected, Sheila was able to take the dog to the owner. The journey took 36 hours.

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