Man mocked for dating 250-pound woman has the perfect response to silence the haters

When we put our lives online for the world to see, we put ourselves at risk of judgement.

People have reacted negatively to this young couple ever since they started sharing photos of themselves together online.

However, their response to criticism is clever and serves as a sobering lesson about the value of standing firm in one’s beliefs.

The story of Matt and Brittany Montgomery is one of those that happens all the time, but is still great because of the people involved.

The two found each other, fell in love, and immediately began building a life together.

The couple’s narrative may sound familiar, but there’s a twist: the man is far greater than the woman.

Brittany has struggled her entire life with a sense of belonging. She didn’t feel safe with her domineering parents and often came out of their conversations exhausted. Because of this, she began to disapprove of her body and feel inadequate.

As a plus-size woman, she encountered two types of men: those who wanted her to lose weight and those who found her curves sexually appealing.

Due to her poor luck in relationships, she considered giving up on the search for love altogether. But fate had other plans for her! She met Matt Montgomery online in August 2020. Their bodies couldn’t be more different, but their souls were more connected than ever.

Brittany reflected, “I was a little hesitant at first. I’ve been in relationships before where guys have told me they’ll leave me if I don’t start dieting or losing weight. That affected my confidence, and eventually I started exercising and trying to change my size.”

Nevertheless, they were sure of their love for each other. After Matt’s marriage proposal on January 30, 2022, the two immediately began planning their future.

Photo: social networks

They are completely comfortable with each other, but have spoken about outsiders’ perceptions of their relationship.

Asked about the comments on his Instagram post, Matt said, “People are commenting on Instagram suggesting I’m not tall enough or masculine enough for them.” He added, “I already notice people staring when we walk down the street…”

They have nothing but love for each other, and it doesn’t matter how many people criticize their relationship because they don’t understand.

Matt’s previous interactions with “normal” sized women have not been successful.

The way Brittany makes him feel made Matt conclude that she is actually his soulmate. He loves her for who she is and works hard to please her.

Not shying away from showing his affection for her, he recently said, “You are precious, you deserve infinite love every single day and more. The way I look at you and feel about you and the way you look at me and feel about me is how I know we are meant for each other.”

He captioned the photo of him and his wife with the awkward comments other couples have left on photos, proving his love for his wife and the depth of their relationship beyond what is visible at first glance. What a great response to the complainers!

The couple is working to normalize relationships between people of different sizes. She expressed hope that “mixed weight relationships would be more common and more the norm,” saying, “I wish they were.”

Just last month, the young couple announced that they are expecting their second child, Lakelyn, in September 2023. We wish them the best.

Finding true love and doing what makes you happy has no hard and fast rules.

No matter what, we should all find ways to embrace and love each other.

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