No one saw any pain in the small figure against the wall…

The animal suffered a lot. Therefore, caring people turned to local volunteers. Apparently, she was hit by a car. Animal rights activists took Aileen to the clinic and handed her over to veterinarians.

The injuries were even more serious than expected. The animal’s bladder was ruptured.And the broken bones damaged the stomach. The fact that the animal did not die on the spot is a real miracle.

The veterinarians admitted that the chances were slim, but they did everything to save the poor thing.

The operation lasted several hours. Veterinarians had to cut the animal’s stomach. The dog could not wake up for a long time after anesthesia, but still recovered. The doctors had done their job perfectly, and now everything depended on Aileen herself…

The first days after the operation, the dog could not even get up on her paws. It was hard for her to breathe. Therefore, she was kept in an oxygen box. But soon Аileen began to recover.

Due to stomach surgery, the dog could not be fed. Therefore, the animal spent about a week on a “hungry” diet.

Aileen was getting a little better every day. Soon the doctors decided to release the poor thing from the clinic, having previously compiled a diet for the dog. Now the animal could be fed with special gentle food.

Now Aileen is being overexposed by one of the animal rights activists. It will take a long time for the dog to fully recover, but now her life is completely safe.

Not so long ago, Eileen’s life was hanging on a thin thread, but she was able to get out of a critical condition! Veterinarians and volunteers have done almost the impossible!

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