Reality: What the seamy side of the graceful and beautiful art of ballet looks like

In this age of computerisation, physical activity and regular exercise are not just a trend, but a necessity. Here we are talking not only about muscle tone and stimulation of metabolic processes, but also about the ability to bear stress more easily and even about preserving youth.

And, if for an ordinary person sport is one of the only advantages, then in the professional environment everything looks not so rosy. On the contrary, athletes pay dearly for their achievements, each victory is a painstaking daily work at the limit of strength. It is not without reason that medics even have a peculiar classification of diseases inherent in certain sports. In this selection offers to see what professional ballerinas and sportswomen cost intensive load on the feet.Of course, these sometimes shocking images are not the norm. For professionals it is extremely important to take care of their health, because excessive load is as much an enemy for the athlete as a lack of motivation.

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