Relocated dog meets her puppy for the first time after years, thanks to a dog DNA search

“Bella has had a lot of injuries. She has a lot of scars. But she’s the gentlest, sweetest and most loving dog I’ve ever had,” David said.

He adopted Bella from a resettlement center, and the dog has lived with him for two years.

It was important to her father at NYE food to make sure that this chapter of her life was better than the first. Although Bella is now an adult dog, she is still cheerful. The two of them spent a lot of time on adventures together over the years that Bella lived with Matthew David. But he always felt the sad past weighing on her.

In her lifetime, she gave birth to an unknown but large number of puppies. Even though she had many puppies, she had no opportunities to be a mother to her puppies. David thought a lot about the connection she had with the puppies she gave birth to.

Hoping to better understand Bella’s origins, David enlisted the help of Embark. They run a dog DNA testing service. Often the service is used simply to be able to identify a dog’s breed. But just as some people also submit DNA samples to registries in hopes of finding unknown relatives, Embark can also help dogs do just that.

And the database found her daughter June, based on a DNA search.

David contacted June’s owner and learned that June had been found as a stray dog and taken to a shelter. Her current owner adopted her.

The two dog owners decided to arrange a mother-daughter reunion.

“Bella doesn’t have many years left, and I thought it might be fun for her to meet her puppy. Maybe it could be a way to heal from her past trauma,” David says.

How the dogs would react was completely unclear. They might not recognize each other. Normally Bella didn’t show much interest in other dogs. But when she saw June, the reaction was very different:

“She showed incredible interest towards June from the moment they saw each other. And especially after she sniffed her,” David said.

June also tends to be reserved toward other dogs, but mother and daughter immediately found common ground.

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