Rescuers pulled a terrified husky from an icy lake

Husky accidentally fell into icy water while walking with her owner in a park in Beijing, China. Then cold weather set in in the Chinese capital. And if the help had not arrived on time, the story could have ended very sadly. The smart dog quickly grabbed onto the lifeline that the rescuers threw to her. And then she swam ashore.

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A resident of Beijing was walking her husky in a local park, when suddenly, during a walk, the pet fell into an icy lake. Recently, the cold weather came in the Chinese capital, so the dog could seriously freeze. The terrified husky swam in the icy water while her equally agitated owner called rescuers.

A team of firefighters came to get the dog. First, a lifeline was thrown for the husky. The smart dog quickly realized what was what. She grabbed the lifeline with her paws, then swam to the shore, and rescuers helped her. Exhausted and frozen husky fell, ending up on the shore. The poor dog’s paws were frozen over.

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Fortunately, Husky was unharmed. When she was warmed up a little, she immediately felt much better and went. Local rescuers warned the owners to take care of their pets carefully and not to allow such situations.

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