Shocking discovery on the Romanian coast

Residents and tourists of the coast were amazed when an unusual sight appeared before their eyes. Tourists on the Romanian coast were surprised by a surprising discovery in the water. Carried by the sea waves, an injured dolphin was washed ashore.

With a concerted effort, the dolphin was pulled out of the water in a desperate attempt to save its life. But unfortunately, the efforts were in vain.

Experts confirmed that the mammal belonged to the species Delphinus Delphis. Its body was marked by several wounds, most likely caused by fishing nets. Three species of marine mammals are native to the Black Sea: the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the pilot whale (Grampus griseus).

Such incidents highlight the challenges marine mammals face due to human activities and require greater awareness and protection of marine ecosystems

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