Stop buying garlic: Here’s how to grow an infinite amount of garlic at home

How to grow an infinite amount of garlic at home?

Follow these simple steps, and you’ll have a delicious seasoning in a few weeks and garlic bulbs in a few months.

Step 1: Buy a garlic bulb. Purchase a garlic bulb from the grocery store or your local store. Larger bulbs are better suited for indoor cultivation.

Step 2: Fill the clay pot. Fill a large pot with enriched potting soil, breaking apart the garlic bulb without peeling the cloves.

Step 3: Place the pot in sunlight. Put it in a location exposed to direct sunlight.

Step 4: Keep your cloves moist. Water your cloves every two or three days for the next two weeks, but be careful not to overwater. If the soil feels dry to the touch, it needs water.

Step 5: Mature garlic. Garlic takes three to six months to mature, depending on the variety. You’ll know your garlic is mature when its flowers begin to deteriorate, and the upper part of the plant turns yellow.

Step 6: Harvest the garlic. Harvest the garlic when it’s ready. You can start as soon as you see the scapes, or wait until you see the bulbs, or when the tops of the bulbs begin to dry.

Use a fork or scissors to harvest the cloves to avoid damaging the plant.

Step 7: Hang the garlic. To store the garlic, hang it in a dry and well-ventilated place.



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