The dog cries endlessly, realizing that the owners left him in the shelter.

Two puppies were delivered to the shelter, as their owners did not have time to take care of them properly.

At first, both puppies were positive and friendly.But soon they felt separated from each other and from their family. They realized that they were surrounded by other animals, not their loving family.

«These two dogs were walking on a leash next to each other before they got to the shelter. But they are currently single and they miss each other and their home,» said Saving Carson Shelter Dogs, which has started an online campaign to adopt these dogs.

AJ, the 6-year-old dog suffered the most after he was taken from his brother. He was so scared that he cried in the shelter.

«AJ is a sweet, gentle and charming dog. He plays with other dogs, but clearly misses his brother,» wrote «Rescue Dogs from the Carson Shelter.»

The story about A.J. spread almost immediately.

Soon after that, AJ’s tears turned into a friendly smile as he was taken away from the shelter.

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