The girl picked up a stray cat: in a month the cat has changed beyond recognition.

A pretty girl from the Philippines picked up a street cat who had changed so much in a month that it was difficult to recognize him.

Now the cat not only looks fun, but also turned out to be a different color. From a gray tramp , he turned into a snow – white beauty . It turns out he had to be washed properly.

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Mai Ayalde was riding a bicycle with her father when she noticed a gray muzzle sticking out on the ruins of a house.

She realized that it was a live cat. But she failed to bring the animal home. Dad was unhappy when he found out about his daughter’s intentions.

“When I came up, the cat started rubbing against my leg, as if we had known each other for several years. Then I realized: he wants us to help him.”

Девушка подобрала бездомного кота, а тот оказался полным секретом: Фото до и после

When she got home, Mai couldn’t sleep and thought about the cat. As soon as morning came, the girl took the bag and ran to her new friend, hoping that he was still there.

The Filipina was lucky: the animal did not run away. But he looked sick: he could barely stand on his paws. She brought it home.

Девушка подобрала бездомного кота, а тот оказался полным секретом: Фото до и после

The main surprise was waiting for Mai at home. When she bathed him, it turned out that the cat was not gray at all, but white. It was covered with a thick layer of engine oil, at the sight of which people felt sick.

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