The oldest golden retriever in the world turned 20 years old

A dog from the USA has become the oldest known golden retriever. A charming girl named Augusta — or Augie for friends – celebrated her 20th birthday. This is an amazing figure. After all, on average, dogs of this breed live 10-12 years.

Собаке исполнилось 20 лет, и она стала старейшим в мире золотистым ретривером

A dog from Tennessee became the oldest golden retriever in the world back in April, celebrating its 20th birthday. And recently GoldHeart Golden Retrievers Rescue solemnly announced this on their Facebook page.

Фотография: Самому старому золотистому ретриверу в мире исполнилось 20 лет №2 -

“When the couple adopted her, then 14-year-old Augusta already had two houses behind her. The Hetterscheidts took Augie, knowing that few people would want to adopt such an old dog. They had no idea what kind of adventure lay ahead. – noted in GoldHeart Golden Retrievers Rescue — They traveled around the country together. Augie has several new family members (both dogs and cats). And she also learned to play ball in the pool.”

Augusta celebrated her 20th birthday in the company of her siblings — Sherman, Belle and Bruce. The birthday girl was treated to a special carrot cake, safe for dogs.

Собаке исполнилось 20 лет, и она стала старейшим в мире золотистым ретривером

The average life expectancy of a golden retriever is from 10 to 12 years. But the owners of Augie note that she is in “surprisingly great shape”, despite her age — and enjoys walking in the yard every day.

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