The pit bull from the shelter wanted to make friends with the cat, but she was against it

Pit bull Ozzy was taken from the shelter by a family consisting of one cat, two adults and three children. It just so happened that Ozzy is a very kind and affectionate dog, who definitely needs to make friends with everyone. And if there were no problems with people, they are happy to reciprocate, then the relationship with the old cat did not work out. As soon as Ozzy didn’t try to please her, everything was in vain.

Ozzy had to give all his love to the children, whom he also loves very much. Even during a walk, he looks with interest into strollers with children and asks them to kiss. But more than anything, he wanted to be friends with cats…

Then, Jennifer, that’s the name of Ozzy’s human mom, found a kitty on the street and brought her into the house.

Vinnie, as the new family member was called, turned out to be pregnant. And after a short period of time, she gave birth to 5 wonderful kittens. Attention, question! Who became the happiest pit bull terrier in the world?

Ozzy was over the moon. He’s the best uncle in the world. If he hears the kittens start screaming, he immediately rushes to them to calm them down.

Kittens respond to Ozzy in return and try not to leave him. Winnie is grateful to the dog . After all, he managed to unload her maternal duties by helping her with the upbringing of kittens.

When the kids grow up, they will find new families. But don’t be in a hurry to get upset, Winnie and one of her kittens will stay with Ozzy.

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