The puppy was lying on the street under the pipe for 3 days. A stray dog saved the baby’s life

In search of shelter, the tiny dog climbed under the heating pipe and lay there for three long days. The animal no longer had the strength to call for help. Although even at the very beginning, no one paid attention to his plaintive crying anyway. The poor dog no longer hoped for salvation. He just lay there waiting for the end…

Больной щенок лежал на улице под трубой 3 дня. Жизнь крохе спасла бездомная собака и молодой ветеринар | Зоомама | Яндекс Дзен

At some point, the puppy’s eyes no longer opened. But, fortunately, Oksana noticed him. The woman found a small dirty lump under the pipe when she was returning from work. The condition of the animal seemed to Oksana extremely difficult. Therefore, she decided to seek help from a familiar animal rights activist, who advised her to immediately take the foundling to a veterinary clinic.

The pet was treated by a young talented doctor who saved many lives thanks to his high professionalism. The doctor admitted that there was little chance of saving the puppy. He said that the patient urgently needs a donor. This did not guarantee success, as the results of the dog’s tests were depressing. However, the doctor was ready to do everything possible for the four-legged patient.

Больной щенок лежал на улице под трубой 3 дня. Жизнь крохе спасла бездомная собака и молодой ветеринар | Зоомама | Яндекс Дзен

The animal rights activist turned to another volunteer, Alexander, for help. He keeps many rescued animals on his territory. It was decided that Linda would be the donor for the little Ladushka. This is a big beautiful dog, to which fate once turned out to be unfavorable.

The volunteers were very afraid for Ladushka’s life. Fortunately, Linda was able to save her. An adult dog literally breathed life into a weakened and exhausted Lada. The result was simply incredible!

When the volunteers approached the dog’s enclosure, she even wagged her tail weakly and thanked them with a kind and joyful expression on her face. Ladushka looked small, thin and pathetic, but this did not deprive her of beauty and charm.

Externally, Lada resembles a fluffy white bear cub. She has a friendly character and gladly substitutes her muzzle for petting and scratching. The poor dog is glad that she is finally warm. At the age of one and a half, she has already experienced a lot, and it is unknown what awaits her next.

The doctors promise that Ladushka will live. She can already be picked up from the vet clinic. But in such a weakened state, it cannot be populated in overexposure places where animals with various diseases are located. The poor dog really needs home comfort and care. The volunteers hope very much that in the near future Lada will be sheltered by a reliable and responsible person.

By the way, the savior Linda also needs a home and loving owners.

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