The wolf saved his little friend. A touching story of an unusual friendship

In one small, remote Siberian village, next to the forest, lived a family in which little Kolya grew up.

The boy had one single and very unusual friend, the wolf Grey. The beast came to them by accident. When Kolya was born, the drunk neighbor brought as a gift supposedly a puppy, on that day parents did not refuse, and they accepted the gift. Tolik – the neighbor received a reward and left.

Of course, no one could have imagined that this puppy would grow a real wolf. And even more so that in the future he will save their son’s life.

Time passed, Kolya and Gray grew up, they became real friends, always were together.

One fall, when the mother had a birthday party, guests came to the house. Gray was locked in a shed, that would suddenly not do trouble. Kolya was very upset because he just wanted to play with his friend. Offended by the parents the boy ran into the woods.

That Kolya is not at home, all released in the afternoon. They immediately began to look for, ran all over the village, called, but he was nowhere to be found. Only an old mushroom picker said he allegedly saw a child in the woods, but he can’t see well, so that’s not accurate.

People were divided and began to search, almost the whole village was involved.
It was already cold and dark outside. Residents began to gather and someone offered to release the wolf, although it is not a dog, let him try to look.

That’s what they did. Gray immediately ran into the woods. The villagers were separated and continued the search.

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Three days all searched for the child and to no avail … Suddenly they heard a wolf howl somewhere in the village. People went to the sound. In the yard where Kolya lived sat the wounded Gray, and next to him lay an exhausted boy. People rushed to him, but suddenly the wolf grinned and began to growl. Then it became clear that he does not let strangers, you need to wait for parents who have already fled home with all legs.

People noticed that there was a trail of dragging from the forest, it was obvious that the wolf was dragging his friend. And judging by the fact that the wolf had broken paws, he was trapped.

People noticed that there was a trail of dragging from the forest, it was obvious that the wolf was dragging his friend. And judging by the fact that the wolf had broken paws, he was trapped.

Kolya was in the hospital for a month when he returned home, he was met by a limping Gray.

This story brought them together even more. They were very attached and it was always so, until the very death of Gray. Nicholas buried him on the outskirts of the village and placed a monument to his savior.

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