Jess is a kind woman and the owner of KittenBnb. While at the shelter and picking up three cats, suddenly she noticed a tiny kitten. The furball was the youngest of the others and was in desperate need of a foster family.The kitten didn’t have a home yet, and Jess couldn’t leave him alone in the shelter. She immediately offered to adopt a kitten and take it home with three other cats.
A kitten named Frankie (Victor Frankenstein) quickly moved into his new cozy home. Weighing only 250 grams, Frankie needed round-the-clock care and bottle feeding.
Despite the fact that Frankie was the smallest kitten, he became attached to his adopted brothers and sisters and was determined to follow them without letting anything slow him down.
A charming kitten is very happy to be at home and have other furry friends who make up his company. The other three kittens adore him. Since day one, they accept this tiny buddy as their own and include him in everything they do.
Frankie is a great observer. He watches the biggest kittens and learns from the best.
Frankie tries to imitate other kittens when they walk, play and run. This little guy is so confident and completely fearless.
After a long game, Frankie likes to curl up next to his adopted siblings and purr to fall asleep.