Touching love and care for a young cat and kittens by a young daddy cat

This story is about a cat who, after becoming a dad, began to devote all his time to caring for the little ones and their mother.

The story of this fluffy family was told on social media by the owner of the animals. He did not tell how the cats met, but on his page, photos began to appear of how the cat treated his other half with tenderness and care, as well as their mutual kittens.

Dozens of wishes for this unusual family immediately appear under each photo. Such a display of tenderness and care is able to arouse emotions in everyone, making some smile and others cry with tenderness.

In some comments, users advise people to take an example from these cats. Such high relations between animals are extremely rare.

My cats were indifferent to each other, and the kittens in general caused them fear. They tried as soon as possible to get rid of caring for them by reassigning them to humans.

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