Touching moment: kitten еscapes pet store display to meet its lonely dog friend

Usually dogs and cats don’t get along very well. However, when it comes to acts of kindness and unlikely friendships between different species, the animal kingdom never ceases to amaze. The same is true with this kitten, who is determined to prove that there can be no obstacles in front of a real friendship!

Трогательный момент, котенок убегает из витрины зоомагазина, чтобы утешить одинокого щенка.

A squeaky kitten and a tiny puppy were separated by a plastic barrier at JoLinn Pet House, a pet store in Taiwan. The rebellious kitten just couldn’t deal with it anymore and decided to escape its booth to play with the pup.

A wonderful moment captured on video from a security camera!

Трогательный момент, котенок убегает из витрины зоомагазина, чтобы утешить одинокого щенка.

The kitten jumped from its display in the most adorable clumsy manner as one could expect from such a fluffball. As the kitten was uneasily balancing over the pup’s booth, the pooch couldn’t hold its excitement, too, and stood on its two paws to help the kitty get in. One brave jump and the two were together!

Трогательный момент, котенок убегает из витрины зоомагазина, чтобы утешить одинокого щенка.

As cute as it may look, it serves as a reminder of the upsetting isolation baby animals have to endure at pet stores at the age when they are desperate for company. Adopt, don’t shop!

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