Walking the streets of New York City, a woman gave a homeless man food

Carine Combeau, a Frenchwoman, was walking through the streets of New York when she saw a homeless man who seemed to be looking for food in a garbage can. Without thinking twice, she bought a pizza and gave it to him. The next day she learned from the newspaper that she had met a Hollywood star.

A day later, the Frenchwoman was shown a newspaper where on the front page was her picture with that very man. In fact, it was Richard Gere, he was not out of character for the movie «From Time Immemorial», and decided to walk around the city in his movie applause.

Karin and family walked into this part of town by chance, they didn’t know there was a movie shooting nearby. The story turned curious, and Gere later admitted to reporters that the kindness of a woman had a serious impact on him.

«When I walked around New York City dressed as a homeless person, no one noticed me. And I felt what it was like to be a homeless person. People just walked by and looked at me with disgust. Only one lady was kind and gave me some food. It was an experience I will never forget. We so often forget how blessed we are. We shouldn’t take it for granted. And if we can help someone in need, we should help them. So afterwards, I went around giving food and $100 to every homeless person I met. They cried and were so grateful. Be the change you want to see in this world.»

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