Why an American baby received a letter from Windsor Castle

Caitlin Sutherland came up with the idea to sew an outfit for her two-year-old daughter, like Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The corgis, whom the daughter loves just like the queen, inspired the girl’s mum to come up with the idea.

The royal image was helped to create a pale blue coat, pearls and brooches. A light blue hat with a glued curled wig complemented the ensemble. Photos of the baby on Facebook received a lot of responses. Friends advised the girl’s mother to send a letter with a photo to the queen.

About a month and a half later, a letter with the royal seal arrived from England to Kentucky. The letter said:

“Her Majesty thought it kind that you wrote to her. The Queen was pleased to see a picture of your daughter Jalein in her gorgeous outfit.”

When the baby grows up, her parents will give her a letter from Windsor Castle. In the meantime, it will hang in a frame on the wall in the living room.

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