When John Kaprowski first saw the Malabar giant squirrel, also known as the Indian
This is a touching story of 11 years of friendship between a lion and
More recently, in Oslo, Norway, photographer Mads Nordsveen, during one of his hiking trips
In the zoo you can meet all kinds of animals — from completely ordinary
In the city of Fargo in North Dakota, USA, a squirrel hid about 70
Recently, a very unusual thing happened in Cariasica, Espirito Santo State, Brazil. Surveillance cameras
That’s what happened to Ovidiu Roche, a veterinarian from the Four Paws team. While
A brown bear approaches a group of people watching bears near the McNeil River,
Unfortunately, accidents on the road involving animals are not uncommon, and a wolf named
This kitten turned out to have a birth defect. Her front paws were too