Dogs bark for various reasons. Sometimes they bark to let you know that they are hungry, or just smell something delicious. Sometimes they bark to scare away invading squirrels on your property. Sometimes the dog may even bark loudly to warn you of danger.
Joy, a small black Hawaiian mix from New York, attracted the owner’s attention with her frantic barking. The five-year-old lifeguard kept shouting at the door until Greta Edmonds finally realized that Joy was trying to warn her something.
“Several times I asked her to stop, but she kept barking. Then I got up, went to the door and looked through the peephole. There was nothing there. So I sat down, but she kept barking.
Eventually I got up, opened the door and heard someone calling for help.”
Incredibly, if Joy hadn’t been barking so loudly, Edmonds probably wouldn’t have known her 94-year-old neighbor was in trouble. She found a woman kneeling in the doorway, covered in blood.
“Joy knows her. If Joy hadn’t been barking, I wouldn’t have heard her, and neither would anyone else in the building. The dog realized that the woman was in danger and intervened.”
Edmonds immediately dialed 9-1-1 for help. The neighbor is now recovering in the hospital thanks to the help of a small but persistent Joy. Oddly enough, she doesn’t know yet that the dog saved her life. However , Edmonds noticed:
“When the neighbor returns home, we will share this story with her. She loves Joy! ”
Perhaps this story will make you think before you tell the puppy to stop barking. You never know what they’re trying to tell you.