A homeless man found a tiny chihuahua abandoned on the side of the highway and rescued it

When a woman named Angel James was driving home, she noticed a homeless man sitting on the side of the freeway. She noticed something on his lap.

Бездомный нашел крошечного чихуахуа, брошенного на обочине шоссе, и спас его

Angel was driving home on her way to Salt Lake City, Utah, when she noticed a homeless man with a sign asking for money or a job. She stopped to help him.It was then that she noticed something on his lap.

And she soon realized that this man was one of the most generous people she had ever met.

Бездомный нашел крошечного чихуахуа, брошенного на обочине шоссе, и спас его

A man named Ron took a cigarette from her. And then she saw that he was hugging a little chihuahua wrapped in a blanket on his lap. He tried his best to warm the dog.

Angel was impressed by his care and attention to the dog. Angel talked to Ron for a while. And then the man asked her if she could find a good home for the dog.

Ron explained that he had seen the dog was thrown out on the highway two hours earlier.

Бездомный нашел крошечного чихуахуа, брошенного на обочине шоссе, и спас его

Ron told Angel that he saw a woman throw her dog on a busy road and was afraid that the dog would be hit by a car. He immediately ran and picked up the dog from a dangerous road.

Despite the fact that the dog was safe with Ron, he understood that he would not be able to take care of the little chihuahua.

Unfortunately, Angel couldn’t bring the abandoned dog home. But she wanted to do everything she could to help. She shared this story on Facebook. A woman named Kathleen Dallman agreed to adopt a dog .

“The homeless man was crying with joy because he was able to help the dog find a home,” Kathleen said. “He said he knows what it’s like to be homeless and doesn’t want the dog to stay homeless.”

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