A three-year-old boy who survived two frosty nights says the bear helped him keep warm

When Casey Hathaway disappeared from his grandmother’s house in North Carolina, the three-year-old boy’s family naturally panicked. The curious boy clearly got out of the yard, where his grandmother allowed him to play.

Even after searching through their sprawling property in Ernool, North Carolina, the baby was nowhere to be found. The grandmother called the police, but no one believed that the boy would be found alive in the middle of winter

When the boy was not found by the end of the next day, Casey’s chances of survival seemed even less. It’s very cold in North Carolina in mid-January, and Casey was dressed lightly for such cold weather.

And here is a miracle. Two days after the disappearance, Casey was found alive in a thicket of bushes. The boy’s family was happy with his safe return. But they didn’t understand how he could survive in such a cold. According to the child’s aunt, Briana Hathaway, the boy thanked the friendly bear for keeping him warm.

“Casey is healthy, smiling and talking,” Breana Hathaway wrote on Facebook. “He said he had been hanging out with the bear for two days. God sent him a friend to keep him safe. God is kind . Miracles happen.

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