Mom abandons young daughter: girl forced to study under cardboard to fulfill dream of becoming a doctor

A difficult situation can do two things to a person: ruin them or motivate them to move forward. It can be easy to get discouraged when life throws you a series of challenges, but if you have something worth fighting for, it can also inspire you to work hard until you reach your dreams.

In the case of a father from Peru and his daughter, they worked hard every day in hopes of having a better life, even though they didn’t have much. Even after all the challenges they faced, they kept thinking positive, until the world decided to bless them with a new reality.

María Rosa and her father, José Gonzalo, were heartbroken when the girl’s mother abandoned them and never returned. After being abandoned, they moved out of the province to live in the city and earn more money.

However, even life in the city was not easy for them. Jose could only find a job washing cars, which left him at most $7 a day to take home.

Not only did he have to feed himself and his daughter, but he also had to pay for housing. So even though his five-year-old daughter wanted to study, he could not afford to enroll her in school.

Every day, Maria accompanied her father to work. She would wait next door, studying at a table they had taken out of the garbage.

Since it was a recycled table that they placed on the side of the road, Maria was not under a roof. She was prone to being exposed to intense weather conditions, but she had no choice but to stay where she was.

Maria’s story ended up reaching the screens of the members of the Trujillo Charitable Society, who realized that they had the means to help her.

Thus, to protect herself from the scorching sun or the rain, the girl used an old cardboard box that she placed over her head. She would stay under that box, studying, until her father finished his work for the day.

A representative of the charitable foundation revealed their plans to provide Maria with a scholarship at Blanco Brothers School:

“Our commitment is to support the most vulnerable.”

The Trujillo Benevolent Society did not stop there. Knowing that helping Maria with her studies would not be enough, they also decided to help Jose find a stable job, as a custodian at the Hermanos Blanco school, where he could also keep an eye on his daughter.

No longer having to wash cars for a living, the grateful father couldn’t help but share how blessed he felt to have had the opportunity to work. He now had the means to provide for his little girl, who dreams of becoming a lawyer or a doctor someday.

Ultimately, all Jose wants is for his daughter to one day fulfill her dream. He knows the best gift he can give her is an education, and with a steady job and a full scholarship to help him, he is confident he can do that.

Maria is also thrilled to be going to school. She will no longer have to study alone in the hot sun because she will receive a proper education.

Además de la beca completa, también ha recibido material escolar y uniformes para prepararse para la escuela. Ella y su padre tienen ahora una mejor oportunidad en la vida, y ya no tienen que vivir en la incertidumbre.

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