The bride, 27-year-old Kaylee Stead, and the groom, 24-year-old Callum Norton, were getting married. They had been together for four years. When everything was ready, the bride was already applying her makeup, she suddenly found out that her boyfriend wasn’t coming.
Callum just ran away. The girl found out from his parents that he wasn’t going to be at the ceremony. He wasn’t going to apologize.
At first Kaylee sobbed and didn’t know what to do. She spent all her savings on the wedding of £12,000. Then she came to the decision: since everything was ready, it was still necessary to celebrate the wedding. Especially since all the guests were gathered.
The feast passed, leaving behind beautiful photos and not the most pleasant memories. Even it is curious what the guests said during the toasts.
Kaylie’s friends created a page to help the girl get back at least some of the money she spent.
Here’s the no-show groom