A homeless dog helped a man in the woods at night, and later found his family

A man who lives in the mountains was riding his bicycle on his business in a neighboring village. He fell and broke his collarbone. He just couldn’t move anymore. His phone ran out of power, and he was left waiting on the road for help. But no one came by. It got very cold. The man was very cold, he could get hypothermia. Suddenly a dog came out of the woods. It came up to the man and snuggled up to him to warm him with its warmth. They spent several hours in that position. Fortunately, a car drove by. The driver covered the man with a blanket and called for help.

The dog sat there until the ambulance arrived. Then he disappeared into the woods.

Whose dog it was, no one knows. The man in the hospital said that when he recovered, he would be sure to find his rescuer and take him home. But the dog found its owner sooner!

The local media wrote about this story. A young man decided to find the dog and retrieve it from the woods. He arrived at the scene, but the dog was gone. Then the guy sat down on the same spot where the cyclist was sitting, coughed and waited. And soon the dog came out of the thicket, walked over and sat down next to him. The guy took this amazing dog with him, and now he lives in a private house with his new family.

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