A special doggie was dropped off at the family’s door who really wanted love

Someone dropped off a box with a puppy inside on the doorstep of a family on the island of Antigua in the Caribbean. The baby turned out to be special — it had no eyes and had a wrinkled forehead. People immediately contacted rescuers from the Dogs and Cats of Antigua center to have the doggie picked up.

The dog was given the name Faith and taken into care. The rescue center paid all of her bills and veterinary bills. This special girl was surrounded by empathetic care.

Faith was a surprisingly brave girl. Despite her peculiarities, she was active, playful, and lively. Although she often crashed into something while running around the house, she quickly learned her coordination.

Faith can’t see anything, but this beauty has a very gentle soul.

«She always senses if I’m around. She sticks her nose out and sniffs to try and find me. In the house, she always runs to someone if she hears a noise in the other room,» says the dog’s guardian.

Recently they began looking for permanent owners for Faith. Many people have responded to this beautiful girl’s story and already want to take her in. Let’s wish her to find a better family!

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