Letter from a veterinarian to a man who put a nail in his dog’s food
Police officers asked for caution because someone had set up traps for stray animals,
A husband yells at his wife for not taking care of her, then sees the ambulance taking her away
Tom and Emily had been married for three decades. They met in college, where
A boy who is expected to leave the foster care system six days before reaching his civil majority finds a home
A young man in Fort Worth, Texas, experienced something special that made him feel
«I hope mom will arrive soon», says an orphan girl during her evening prayer, a lady comes to pick her up the next morning
«Really? And that works?» 5-year-old Angelina questioned Hannah, another girl who lived in the
Adopted daughter cries when she sees her first birthday cake, receives $40,000 from her real father the next day
Melanie was six years old, and she wanted a family. She had been in
A boy does the housework while his mother works two jobs. Her boss finds out about it and comes to their house
Seven-year-old Luke saw how exhausted his mother Angela was coming home from work, working
A gang boy is the only one who remembers an old lady’s 100th birthday, and her son comes and doesn’t recognize her house
«I have a surprise for you, Mrs. Miller!» Dylan shouted from outside the door
An 8-year-old boy ended up on the street with his family, but he had a business idea and bought an apartment eight months later.
The family of an eight-year-old boy almost ended up on the street because of
A poor widow struggles to feed the twin girls she has adopted. Years later, their biological father reappears
«Okay, girls. Let’s finish eating this cereal so we can go to the park,»
A young man was able to save two small kittens from an oil spill
People who rescue animals, risking their health and their lives can be called real